Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pros and Cons about how I look...

Here is the list:
my boobs are alright
my lips
my hair (sometimes)

my legs are too short 
my bum... don't even get me started!
i find my feet annoying
i am too short
my forehead is huge! (it is a five-head)
my fingers aren't long enough
i have love-handles
my chin is too long
my calves are too muscular
my thighs aren't firm enough

And believe it or not, this list goes on! After making this list, I feel kind of pathetic. Why do I care about the size of my chin? Its not like I meet people and they go: 'Whoe! Your chin is sooo elongated!!' Well the answer is that the media has told me to care. Its almost like it has conditioned my brain ever since I was a toddler to think that all this junk matters, and that I need to look like a supermodel in order to be loved and respected... I AM FED UP!!!

so here's the plan... I am going to force myself to stop caring so much about my appearance. As a 19 year old woman, there are so many other more important things that I need to invest my energy into, like my future! Each day for the next two weeks, I must follow specific protocol when I get dressed and ready for the day each morning, focusing on training me to invest less of my time and energy into caring about how ! look when I leave the house. Watch this space! 

* Image from http://www.brainyweightloss.com


  1. whether its 5minutes or an hour only a long surgery will make you pretty.

  2. I think caring less about what people think of you is great! And caring less about what you wear is a good, external place to start but perhaps also focus on changing your personal perceptions about how you look. If you truly feel good about yourself, internally and externally then caring about what you wear is just a part of a positive image!
